Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Virus

A virus is a small piece of essentially simple molecule with a very small fingerprint that essentially latches on to a productive DNA and uses that DNA to replicate itself . After it has finished replicating, it kills the cell and bursts forth to 'infect' other cells.
The virus molecule itself is essentially harmless and useless and does not do anything productive neither for itself nor for others. Its essential aim is just to replicate by hacking into a productive system by using the system itself. In fact its aim is to just produce more useless molecules and take over and kill any productive ecosystem.
There is no 'why' for this to happen. The virus has no long term plan. It doesn't really care for sustainable reproduction. Its aim is just to multiply as long as it can ...thats its simple aim.

The point is that it is very efficient and even organisms far more capable or efficient fall prey to it. They let it in and it uses the system to destroy itself before moving on to another.It can lie dormant for days and years till it attains a critical mass and then it overwhelms the system.

Since its essentially small and simple , it can mutate to protect itself but essentially the aim remains the same.

This reminds of a smallish desert cult with an very small piece of code written in a rather simplistic rule form. It has no depth , no thought or no logic but is very easy to understand and promises two things..reward for loyalty and punishment for disloyalty.  Just like a virus its code is laughable compared to the sophisticated structures that it attacks. Its easy to dismiss it as a joke.

But its power is its simplicity and how easily it affects the weaker and stupids of the society. It promises a quick fix solution to human problems. It tells the stupid that their stupidity is not their problem but due to an external enemy (which is the legacy system). Its makes almost obligatory to reproduce in large numbers so that there are more stupids who can overwhelm a system. When the stupids reach the critical mass they overwhelm the system and destroy the system. After that they look for more productive systems.

With time this simple social virus mutates but keeps its essential survival code intact. Infect and reproduce.

The virus was formed by a small tribal leader almost by chance and seeing its efficiency it was adopted by a few rulers because it kept the people stupid enough to be ruled by a mafia oligarchy. The virus the destroyed arabic society and moved on to infect mesopotamia and Persia and destroyed the efficient societies till it reached afganistan and India. It faced a bit of resistance near Sind but since the critical mass of general stupidity was low could not find India a great place to infect. However the virus is persistent and it just takes a bit of low immunity to succumb to it.

It has already destroyed lebanon, jordan and syria and is trying to spread to europe where it has gained a foothold in Britain.

Societies have to mutate to survive this virus. Just like an aggresive coctail of chemicals and internal immunity is an answer to a virus, societies have to reduce the number of stupids and increase general intelligence(not formal education) to effectively fight this menace. Any form of weakness or negotiation wont work.

Asking questions like 'but why does it do wat it does", 'there must be something good in all of it' etc are irrelevant because as the Joker says 'Some guys just want to see the world burn' 

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