Sometimes we come across some expierances which are so honest that we
wonder if its actually true ..And the basic underlying fact of honesty ironically
makes it even more illusive. You want to hold it so tight that sometimes you
feel it slipping rite thru your fingers ...hold it tighter and it slips faster..! I wonder if thats the beauty of it all...maybe the slippage itself is a part of the scheme of larger things..the feeling of the slip being as much a part of expierance as the sands itself..? may be ..maybe not? Who am I to comment on something thats beyond me...
That expierance could be the shower of yellow flowers on a solitary tree..that expierance could be the wide blue sky..a well designed furniture..a handsome human ...fleeting foot prints on the beach or a conversation..
You want to relive it yet again and again because somehre it moved you beyond the drudgery of mundane ant to relive it because somewhre you realise that life is a bit more dragging . But then that expierance has a mind of its own..u cant dictate it to do ur bidding..its free and in its freedom lies its strength . If it was repetative maybe it wouldnt have the same power to move you.
It will come to you in another form will move you..exhillarate you and titilate you ..but but but on its on terms . And boy are those terms tough..but yes it can be can be repeated ..provided you seek that and that alone.
You cant superficially fool it ..u cant buy it...u have to keep improving urself in the hope that someday that expierance will oblige you ...And wait for its mercy..
And maybe that expierance will take pity on you and consider you worth the while to move you..Till then just ait and raise urself...thats all you can do and thats all u must do..If you really ant it ...that is..