As I recollect there was a poster which said this about school days ..'there was one day we all went out to play together , not knowing that this would be our last day together' It was so true that somewhere I saw this unfolding everywhere. Especially when my father was down with leukemia, this quote hit me out of blue.
He was an active guy and was very much into travelling around with his scooty. But there was one last day where he rode it to market, one last day where he bought fresh veggies, one last day where he sat on the drawing room sofa, one last day where he laid on his own l;ast day whjere he saw his own garden...
How many last days we pass without ever thinking it through. How many poignant moments we have trivialised in our lives and will continue to do so..
There will be one last day we will see our loved ones, one last day we will eat our fav food one last day whjere we will walk and one last day where we will live...
The bigness of this hits you verymuch when you realise that maybe its a good thing we do not realise this othwerise we will be plunged into an unbearable sadness of living ..maybe its all for the good we never mark our last days ....