Monday, February 25, 2008

The country everyone loves to hate....

When I was in school i used to be really really impressed by the US. First man on moon, weapons, fighters This country was just amazing. The kind of confidence Americans exuded on the world stage was sumthing that struck an impressionable teenager like me. Millions liking me in India look up to this great country as of the nearest thing to utopia.
It was the great concepts of America..freedom of Individual , Enterprise, Equality, ..and yeah Hollywood and Baywatch ..which made me think i was born in the wrong country. And most of my peers also thought on the same lines ...! It was always me comparing the pot holed roads of my street with the manicured SuperHighways of US,the great universities lawns vis a vis the derelict main building of my college ..etc etc. Everyones living dream was to migrate to US .

Even now one will find a vast majority waiting for the golden ride...

Anyway as I grew up my priorities and my idea of America changed. It had nuthing to do with Economics. It had more to do with being exposed to the truth about this great country. I dont deny that what this country has achieved is stupendous..but I wudnt want India to be America. Not in any way....Not ever. Why?

The main reason is that after visiting and seeing 11 countries in my woefully miserable life ..i have realised that there are much stronger things in India which will take thousand of years for america to develop.
1. The fabric of Liberty that America is based on is actually not liberty ..its scant regard or concern for a fellow being. We in India are too much into each others much so that a country which prioritises individual freedom becomes a messiah in our eyes ..! But if we look closer we will realise .. its not respect for freedsom ..more so its a total lack of concern.

2. We assume that Americans are total Rationalists . They believe in Religion Of Science. Nuthing could be farther than truth. The Victory of George Bush(II) was highly attributed to severe Right Wing Politics(our Viswa Hindu Parisad ,equivalent). When u hear MrBush say "god ordered me to send troops to Iraq" ..u realise that we are better off here. Just Imagine Mr Manmohan Singh sayin" Wahe guru ne bola hai ki Reserve Banks ke rates bada do"...

3. America is a comparatively safer place. Yes there are amazing health care facilities and the police are well paid and trained.But to assume that its a safe place is a fallacy assumed by ppl who have never been there. Try strolling alone for a golgappa or a chat ..after 7 o clock in the evening and for all u kno u might be killed for ur watch or ur sneaker.

4. There is equality for all. Well thats again a myth. Blacks are severely discriminated against and sometimes even basic medical facilities are not made available in name of color of skin.

5. Although most business principles of management and trade have come from America, the ethics behind them are highly questionable. Its a quick quick way without any thought . Ask any management graduate ...and u will realise the hollow foundations on which these business practice stands..

6. The social values and culture of America is non-existant. Ppl are good but in absence of a structure the society cant sustain change or mould itself..

there are many a small points...too numerous to mention here that have undermined my desire to make India , America...!Put in a nutshell I now have the impression of America as a dazzlingly packaged , low standard cake , sold at an exorbitant Price. When I have the option of the healthier version of it made at home (albeit shabbily Packaged) ..I wud go for it.

There are lots we shuld learn from America. But i feel all the knowledge we want is already with us. America can teach us very little. Unless we want to be the most hated country in the world....

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