Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The worst thing you can do in a normal day..

Ever faced with the situation in which you are sleepy at around six in evening..? And you succumb..then you get up at 10 in night...?
whole night before you and you are fresh as daisy....


Its seriously the most sick "normal" feeling because of three things..

1. You are groggy and fresh at the same time..

2. everyone is sleeping and you cant share your "day" with anyone else..

3. You know the next day is going to be hell because you will sleep late tonight..and get up groggy next morning for work...and you also know how the next day is going to turn up...

Whats worse than sleeping at 6...sleeping at 4 in afternoon and getting up at 8 or 10...its seriously the worst thing you can do to yourself.

No wonder maa used to tell me that one should never sleep during "godhuli"...godhuli means basically cow-dust..the time when cows return home...
Sometimes its better to listen to maa....

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