This article is actually being written after Pradip put in his thoughts on marriage on this site
I feel that the crux of the issue is that as males we are not designed for marriage. Our entire instinct rebels at the thought of marriage. I am yet to see a happy husband. The only "happy" ones are the ones who are so fake that you find them brainwashed into believing everything their "better" half tells them.
The more I look at this issue the more i get depressed. I am so happy being a bachelor. I enjoy this freedom and I really do not feel a need for the "caring" comfort of a wife. I feel that I can exist comfortably by myself even in my old age. The day I feel I will be a vegetable most likely I will commit euthansia.
I cant bring myself to buy this idea of marriage. Its like the classical problem of "squaring the circle" end up with an irrational number. So does marriage. Its so against nature and instinct that I feel surprised that so many get into it...
I had the oppurtunity to speak to lots of guys and I had this question to ask.."why did u get married"?
I was not surprised to hear that 80% said that because their parents wanted them to. around 10 % said that because their girlfreinds insisted on it. Approx 5% said that they wanted to carry their family lineage forward ..5% said because they wanted companionship.
What does this say about the whole institution?
Just that its like one of those TELE SHOPPING ads . Promising to solve A set of problems that you already have ..while hiding a bigger B set of problems that will result if you buy it.
Marriage is the biggest Marketing Fraud that has worked ..Like Lotteries or Gambling or betting....
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