This day ..
Swinging between the hopelessness of existence and the reward of living, as I sit , memories flood me.Past present and future..yes future. So here I am where I am and existing both at the same time and both simultaneously not possible. I want my mind to go blank ..just blank. I don't want to think...I want to feel the night . A night where superflous music rocks dumb minds and lulls one into a trance. A trance which is much more peacefull and happy than being and acknowledging what is around...Confusing and comforting. No structure or shape amorphous present . A drug induced stupor of good living and comfortable existance under which lurks the "monsters under the bed of calvin"..Kafka would have been proud.. Jung prouder still...
How can a "new year" change anything? How can any amount of resolutions make us better? How can pretty pink and roses cover the smell of the gutter we call the world? How can we cover up a drain hole and paint it happy?
A room freshner doesnt clear the masks it. A cosmetic surgery doesnt heal the scars of the ugliness that pervades just covering up. Why are we so concerned with beauty that we fail to adress the grotesqueness beneath..?
Why do we think that a person who show you the mirror is pessimist? Why do we always want to hear good news that we end up killing the messenger?
Why do we like to be fooled over and over again like a CD playing trance over and over...? Why do we behave like morons when we are capable of standing face to face with all the guts and gore?
Why are we scared of the truth till it sits on our head?
Why do we celebrate new year when nothing in us changes...nothing?
Random thoughts on a random day we choose to call the new year eve....
Certain asked questions cannot be answered but should be realized with one's own experience.You experience when you face the situation.As far as future is concerned,your future is very bright.You may not realise now but with time you will see. ;)Be happy and feel great.
i i have not understood yet the concept of happy new year why
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