I interrupt this story of mine to put in a few words about the film which i saw today on my laptop.."eternal Sunshine .."
There are a few films which hit you on the face .."dil Chahta hai".."masoom" .."arth" ..and make u feel that u have grown up a bit after seeing them. I add "eternal.." to that list today. The film is a brilliant take on love and life after love which is rather sensitively potrayed without looking mushy or judgemental.
I wish I cud put in words how the movie made me feel . All i can say it gave an alternate pesrpective which which I have missed in my mundane existence. Not that i cud identify with the characters ..not that i cud identify with the situation..but it made me feel slightly grown up. Its very very difficult to analyse a work of art ..a work of emotion ..Easy to feel it. What may be mundane to you may be strikingly beautifull to me. I feel that as intelligent beings we should allow for that. Its nothing o do with maturity , existence or feeling "artistic" ..its more about letting others be the way they want to be. Its diffucult to be non judgemental ...If we were non judgmental we wud have been extinct long time back.
But then everyone is right in his/her sphere of influence and sometimes its a good idea to let that be.
"Eternal Sunshine.." has moments that made me realise that.
Some may laugh that I am a dreamer ... Maybe I am . I live my own reality , my own world ...! and i do care about what others feel..But sometimes its just nice idea to let me be.
I think i am having a movie hangover. But then wats life if u cant get drunk on sumthing u love or like. Wats life without feelings ..wats life without pain , sorrow ,happiness and hurt. Is it a life worth having? Is a life without dreams worth living
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