Now that Dude Calculus has been elaborated by Pradip. I think there is a controversy on weather Dude is a continous or a stochastic Process. I strongly think Dudes are stochastic although in certain distributions like "fine Arts colleges" , "Humanities" like environment they can be taken as crowded enough to be continuous. However in rest of the situations they are stochastic variables.
P(Dude) >= zero
However like PSO(Particle swarm theory) we can assign weights and velocities to dudes) thus
P(Dude)= [ p1 p2 p3 X v1 v2 v3.....]
p1 = Position in society
p2= Educational Qualification
p3= Maturity
while v can be the velocity of movement like
v1= Rate of displacement(ie bike or car)
v2= Want of upward mobility
v3= Desire to spend cash
Having characterised these dudes by such PSO variables , their movements and positions can be tracked stochastically and analysis will most probably show the optimum spacetime position of the dudes.
Having thus gained a thorough knowledge of their actions we can iterate their future behaviour by matrix transformations consisting of elements of society variables like
[ s1 s2.....]
Where s1 , s2 are social conditions like no of pretty chicks in vicinity, lack of studies workloads ..etc
Say wat , Pradip?
well... first of all "Stochastic Dude theory".. I think is really in depth stuff in the field of Dudematics and you must be aptly congratulated up on having been a pioneering researcher. Your finding would be of great use to those who could understand it!
coming to the technical content of the paper. I think that in your model the inter-dude information exchange aspects are not fully represented. I suggest you to introduce some information exchange matrices taking the elements from the set of complex numbers. Where the general term is a(r,c)+ib(r,c)
a is the real information that dude r tells dude c. where as b is the imaginary information that the dude c imagines himself based on his thrust record of dude r. Obviously, this matrix is non-symmetrical and also opens a new area of research which is "dude game theory".
what do you say?
very true...The complex number concept of yours is very original. Infact this opens up new feilds of dude --> dude mapping and transformations. U kno in fractals. ..If we turn a dude through symetric transformations do we get a complex dude?
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