Yesterday I saw a movie ..a german one called "The wave". It was a movie suggested by a german guy working with me in the office .
The recommendation was prompted by a discussion we had in the cofee room about Hitler.
The german guy is a big fan of Gandhi and wanted to know how Indians look to him.
I told him that we revere him as a guy who led a billion guys to freedom. I also told him that while we had differences in the personal life of bapu..I as a person look up to him .I told him about Subhas chandra Bose and how he had used the POWs in the WW2 to fight aginst the British, and had some sort of pact with the japanese and Germans too ..but Gandhi was against Hitler and somehow ethically he convinced Indians that the British may be bad but this was worse.
Surprsisingly he seemed to agree and was full of admiration for the ethics led freedom struggle.
The conversation then turned to Hitler. He said something very interesting.
The crux of the matter was that he did not think that Hitler as a "evil" guy was blown out of proprtion. He said that at that point in time the germans cooperated with the idea and Hitler was only a focal point.
For example , he said, the first three years of war had a volunteer german army. No forced army conscriptions. I asked him how did this happen?
Why did German want to kill the jews..why did so much hatred against the French and Polish people.
He suggested that I watch this movie .
I did.
The movie was an eye opener. Its a high school based movie about an experiment on lines of Hitlers third reich.
If you get a chance please watch it.
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