Holi has memories for everyone...
But I remember a particular incident that happened eons ago ...the thing that makes this incident stand out is the "out of box" solution that one my freinds thought of...
Holi in our locality was a semi community affair..Which meant that everyone had the free license to do whatever he/she wanted. Like all localities ..this was a free for all and lurking romances and unrequited advances had a ball..
I had a bum chum pal, Toni Arora, naturalised Oriya Punju(yeah that specis exists). And we were the anti-holi brigade . It was a party that owes its existance to destruction of our carefully kept comics at the hand of a "holi-vandal"(basically ..our Phantom Comics were covered with unmentionable colors thanks to indiscriminate "color-Playing"..but that story some other time)..
Now since we were the only two members and had failed to solicit any other citizens ...We had to take the ocassion of holi as a kind of propaganda(kind of Valentine day syndrome for Shiv sena)..So we decided that we wud stay "dry" come wat may ..It was a matter of principle after all.
But that presented us a problem. If we stayed at home ..our well meaning parents would force us to join the "celebrations" ...and moving around was rift with danger (baloons ...sprays..and the similar missiles). After discussions at a very high level(on the third floor terrace ..that was high enuf)..we decided that moving around was a better option(We knew that parents are a stubborn lot and taking a panga with them meant serious implications like "no mahabharat" for some weeks and that was unthinkable).
But how do we move around ? Cycling gave us speed but the area of attack of a spray was large and how could we escape inadvertant advances..
This is where Toni proved that he was a genius. His solution was simple,elegant and effective...
How could I have missed that ? My admiration for Toni touched the Mount Everest. Freind, I am blessed to have such a genius as a freind.
But was it effective?
Yes It was ...Infact we both moved around in Raincoats (he had an yellow one and I had a dirty green) the entire day and managed to stay dry. Of course ,ignorant idiots were laughing on both of us for the entire day..but what the heck. Some where a man has to take a stand.
I have lost touch with Toni but If I meet him today,one of the first questions I am going to ask him .."Did u try this idea anytime later ?"
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