After religion mariage must be the hoax that everyone wants to believe. Each day I am convinced that marriage is a lose lose game . And I do not say it with the victory smile of a bachelor but with the wisdom of seeing closely as to how marriages are working out nowadays. People are so concerned about "working out" the marriage that they forget that marriage was designed for pleasure . If you are working at making something "just work" then whats the difference between your job and marriage..now now..please do not give me that sagely smile. I have just realised that married guys know as much about marriage as a bachelor..!
I have come to this belief that somehow the institution of marriage has run out of steam and logic. There is no need for marriage and the time has come for such a losing proposition to die its own natural death.
What I feel that like religion we shall soon run out of people "who believe in marriages" and then the world will be a happier place. Because of this unreasonable belief we have fights and ugly scenes. I would suggest that there are a few ways by which marriage itself should become redundant..And thats by providing the few factors which are the plus points for marrying. These are factors which are right now speeding up the death of marriage and rightly so..
Since men and women have different goals from marriage lets start by separating those . Ladies first ..So here we go!
1. Financial Security- More than companionship women marry so that they can die a decent death. By decent I mean the fact that it shouldnt be an insulting one. Penury is every womans worst nightmare (hence the term of diamonds being a girls best freinds). With women slowly being financially independant the reason for marriage is slowly dying its own natural death.
2. Companionship- With women every thing is a "deal". If you give them something they will give u back something. Same with the companionship factor. We shall see later in this article that a man is driven by very different factors and hence his "companionship" giving factor decreases as age goes by. Earlier , companionship was the only "entertainment" available and hence mariage was necessary. But with technical advances the need for such "entertainment" for men is easily available and hence they tend to draw away from the old hags they ar married to....And since each relationship is a deal women tend to do the "pro quid pro" bring the "companionship" debate to a rther inglorious end.
3. Care- Care is now not a emotional currency. Its a monetary one. Given enough money a stranger will care for you as much as your spouse. We hate to admit it but somewhre professional health care is right now becoming afforadable and that will hereald the death of dependancy on spouse..
Men ...as far as your reasons go..
1. Sex- Yep , admit it. Thats the first thing that went through your mind . Not good enough for marriage. Men are naturally too sexually active to stay with one woman. Its only the promise of regular sex that kind of keeps them leashed. However with sex being readily available , this leash is wearing thin. And whatever a woman might eulogise about "fidelity"..sexual fidelity is like "duh" for a man. As sex becomes readily available marriage wont be something that will be worth it.Plus one can and does get sex from living in..as close you get from marriage.
2. Food- Now thats a point that needs no explaination. Wit more and more women washing their dainty hands off the dishes "ghar ka khaana" is extinct. Look at it from a mans perspective ..if the food is cooked by a servant and sex is easliy available , would it be prudent for a man to stay or even contemplate marriage?
3. Ego Massage- Although its a very slippery point..ego of a man needs pampering. Hoever that doesnt come free in marriage . It comes with a lot of excess baggage which a man can do without. Earlier the man wasnt working so much. But nowadays one does get this ego massage from work place itself..
Religion died with coming of science and so will too this rather redudant practice of hitching together disparate individuals and convincing them that fighting everyday is the "best for society". I think the society wud be a much more peacefull , happy and free place without this forcible and often painfull act.
Cheer Up...!!! Piyush....!!!
I have written a perfect reply to your post. see it at....
I think its more a case of 'sour grapes!'
hmmm...Could be.... ;)
i agree with u
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