Monday, June 15, 2009

The automata of our lives

I was reading a book on Cellular automata and somehow I think we behave acording to one as we move in time. As most of u know cellular automata is a matrix that has a space dependent variance as it proceeds in time.

Which simply means its a matrix that changes based on last condition. Something like Markov Processes. Which is again like a drunk man...he only remembers the fact that last time he was in a bar. all memory ..wife kids etc are irrelevent in his hunt for the next bar. The only relevant thing is the last memory that the last bar had closed down.

Lets think of our controllable variables in life..(Partially controllable)

Lets think of Weakly controllable variables like our siblings, spouses etc


And lets say non controllable variables


Then there are varuables we do not know the property say..a kid on the road..can u control him? if yes in wat way does he affect ur actions..

So name them and Unknown,,


Now at the time u are born lets take it as t1..and as u grow the t increases to t2 , t3..etc


tend= the end of ur the state variables at ur death..

So ur life in a way has the shape of a matrix containing these variables which change every moment in a random fashion..or maybe there are simple rules.
Since Cellular automamta has a complex "look" based on the fact that it in fact has "simple" underlaying principles..Doesnt it sound probable that even our emotions and dependent parameters change in a very simple way but also lead to complex patterns.

Which leaves a possibility open that our life is infact complex but yet governed by a simple set of rules.
Rich behaviour ..simple rules.

Thats a rule for automata ..maybe there is one for our lives


Yemula Pradeep said...

Rather brave idea. The idea as i understand is to write down the matrices with rows from t1 to tend (birth to death) with all kinds of variables of life. But the basic underlying principle of cellular automata is "Rich behaviour from simple rules". Hence your theory might only be limited to men!!

Because women seem to have "very complex, subjective, situation variant, rules resulting in erratic behaviour". None the less a good effort.

Anonymous said...

Well thats very nicely explained.

Pi said...

True Pradeep...

But there could be another way of looking at it. Maybe the time of transition of automata is much lesser for a woman. For example ..say the automata in a man might change in 1 sec while for a woman it might be a micro second. So when you look in the 1 second window ..a simple step change for man is equivalent to the 1000 transitions which can give the idea that the one step transition for the man was simple for man and complex for women.