Dont close the window !!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Fickle is the god of love..
Fickle is the wind of pain..
Fickle is the joy of hope..
Fickle is the triumph of gain
Fickle is the sway of loyality
Fickle is the rule of royality
Fickle is the spear that hits
Fickle is the heart that beats
Fickle is the brood that bears
fickle is the shroud that tears
Fickle is the kiss thats sweet
Fickle is the furnace of heat..
Fickle is the human nature..
Fickle is the best of stature..
Fickleness the truth itself
Fickle is the other and self !!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Dangerous Books
There are a few books that I feel I should have never picked up in my life. My life was much simpler ,nicer and straighter before I laid my hands on these books. It was like a life without cigarretes, booze or drugs. These books are the ones I completely blame for screwing with my mind in a way cigarettes or booze or drugs do with your pleasure centre. And like all bad habits that people pick up..these books hit me in my early teens and some how they like all bad habits have never died down. I will list down thse books so that everyone else can avoid them like plague and never face the dilema or issues I do. I am the best guy to tell you that...because its like a drug addict telling some innocent bystander about ill effects. Somehow I think it will make life better for the world
The Fountain head- By Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand
We the living- Ayn Rand
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance- Robert Pirsig
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
The picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde
and last but not the least
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
Me Nathuram Godse Boltoi- Nathuram Godse
Please listen to me and keep away. Especially from impressionable teenagers.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Al Vizag
If the CBI /FBI/CBI would take me a bit seriously I could reveal a very big secret. A secret so big that would make skeletons in cupboards tumble out like the aloo does in a paper thin dosa(OK , not a great simile..but too many dosas does play around in my head). Since no one here is listening , there is a place brimming with natural suicide bombers in india itself that just might be the place of prime recruitment for the Al Qaida. A place so naturally suicidal that it would make those sissy afgans squirm in their Pathanis (or watever). Its called AL-VIZAG.
I was introduced to these suicide bombers like many new entrants to this madhouse..on roads. I was taking an innocent lil ride to the town when it happened.In a highway filled with heavy trucks and swarming with public busses, a lone figure of a young cyclist descended from the dark(streets in AL-VIZAG are dimly lighted they serve the dual purpose of training and transport tracks)..and proceded to cross the road in a diagonal (never heard of poor ol Pythogoras..) all the while talking on the Cell phone and all the while looking on the wrong side. With the trucks zippin past this lone ranger..It was a sight that almost made me search for the second seat belt. But hey ..this lone ranger had further aces up his sleeve. He proceeded to "overtake" a truck ..yeah u heard right. Overtake a truck...!! And wait , all this overtaking business from the left side of the truck. My my ..Osama would have been proud of this young man's desire to follow the "tao of dying for dying sake"..! And all this while still continuing on his cell phone. While the brave attempt all good victims I steered my car clear of this strenous "training session".
As I entered town , I was thinking that this must be the bloodlust of the single black(well he WAS black) male..but lo behold I was to be jolted out of my reverie.
Uncl e(without helmet) garu on a scooter with two kids infront , a hippopotamus at the pillon and a thin girl behind the hippo(most likely hippo's sister) , entered the crossroad from right , merrily chatting on his cellphone with one hand while manouvering his machine with the other. Multitasking at Sucide bombing?
At the traffic light I stopped to take a break ...while a scooter with similar hippos stopped by near my car..and then suddenly out of nowhre the scooter along with its occupants just collapsed on my car. Yes,I swear I am not making it up(I have insurance papers to prove it). I was so shell shocked at the happenings till now at Al-Vizag that I couldnt react at all.
I mumbled "I am sorry.I was here" to the embarrsed Uncle and promptly wrote my secret report to the CBI..titled "Al -Vijag-The suicide bombers haven"
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quality of Anger.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Qualities of a nation
Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Story of the holy Cow....
They all sat down and thought over it and finally the panch decided that it was only because that they did not have enough cows that they are facing all these problems.
So they formed a board of villagers held a selection interview for the best cows around the village. Now they promised that whichever cow is selected will have the honour of village on his shoulders. (errr..her shoulders). She would be crwoned with the best thorns and paraded with the best bells. She will get the right of the way in the village streets and not only that she will get her own platoon of cows to command .
This was a lucrative offer for all cows in the vicinity of the village . All the cows who were struggling with their masters , or were too young and full of josh. All left their jobs and jumped into the selection board.
After days of tough tests the board selected the best cow and her platoon of cows . They named the best cow "holy cow" and awarded her with all they had promised.
For first few weeks the "holy Cow" was the talk and the awe of the village. Everytime the neighbours tried anything funny the "holy cow " would be there with her platoon. Soon her fear and awe spread around the villages and no one dared touch Indupur.
Thus "holy cow " had actually nothing to do rather than train her commandoes. Seeing this the buffaloes of the village got jealous. More so when they had to toil every day at the field and also give milk ..without so much as being given half the glory of the holy cow.
So they approached the Sarpanch and logically told him that the need for the "holy Cow" was over. The present Sarpanch was son of the previous one and had been born in a secure and prosperous village unlike his father..! And the buffaloes logic was unbeatable.
While all this was goin on "Holy Cow" came to kno of all this scheeming. However so drunk it was with her glory that she laughed at the antics of the buffaloes.
She was confidant that no one could touch her..after all she was a "holy Cow". Her commandoes prodded her , the goats tried to make her see some reason....But everytime she would wave them off by shaking her golden bell.
Gradually ..the sarpanch started withdrawing her privilages ....First it was the right to choiciest grass, then it was her right of the way, then her commandoes were insulted ...
With all this happening , the "Holy Cow" refused to look . Everytime she would relax with her grass and a bottle of mineral water and shake her golden bell and say.."I am a holy Cow"!!
All this time the buffaloes were united and were meaner than before..
One day as the Holy Cow was elaborating her exploits of fightin the enemy in her times..the news came came that the "Holy Cow" has been ordered by the Village Work Commission that it had to give Milk like ordinary Cows to survive.
Hearing this she fell off her hay chair and reality struck her..but it was too late.
Soon she and all her Comando Cows were herded into stables and milked for all they were worth.To rub insult into injury the supervisors were the buffaloes. But now it was too late..
The villagers milked the "holy Cow" for all she was worth till she became frail and weak like the rest of the cows ...Her commamdoes also lost all their training and got involved into petty tactics...
One fine spring morning the neighbours attacked the village. The sarpanch did what was told to him by his father.He called on the Holy Cow. But now that the daily milking was on the Holy Cow had lost weight and strength.
Still the Holy Cow mustered her courage got her group united and went to face the arme at the gates of the village..
History tells us that the village was looted thoroughly this time by her neighbours houses burnt and people killed ..History also tells us that till the final wee hours of that eventfull morning old shrivelled Cow and her band of rag tag cows held the enemy at the gates till their last drop of blood...!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
My left
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Hapiness /Sadness - a nobler emotion?
Monday, May 30, 2011
Weekend Requiem
Saturday, May 14, 2011
each to his own
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Why i hate Abhishek Bachhan!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
2. Hello..hows the sandwich?
3. Smile
4. Do u think there will be a problem with generation gap?
5. Everything is there in my biodata!
6. Do u do yoga?
7. What are your expectations?
8. are you ok with this?
9. You must be having a lot of girlfreinds.
10. You look adventurous.
11. Kingfisher dress isnt bad !
12. Smirk.
13. Ok , so , hello
14. Smile
15. I can take care of it all
16. Angry look
17. I am not selfish
18. I want to work
19. My name is ....
20. I will have a chicken later in the day
21. Respect my folks.
22. I am a simple human
23. I want to stay in India
24. I love trekking..but havent ever dun it
25. .....
26. I love challenges
27. I am a topper
28. What do u like?
29. Love my parents , cant stay away from them.
30. Want to settle outside India
32. .....
33. I cant speak english properly
34. I dont eat non-veg and am very religious
35. Smile
36. Wat do I call u?
The heroic atmosphere!!
Getting caught up in the nurture versus nature debate was getting me into circles so I asked myself the classic socratic question..Define a hero?
What is a hero? Is he a superman or some ordinary man who rises upto the ocasion? Is he born a hero or is he moulded by his environments into becoming one? I guess ..neither.
A hero is defined by his surroundings and his society. And society defines hero by what it actually considers "heroic"! And THAT is the crux because every society defines a hero by its own standards . There are no absolute heroes..absolute heroism is a delusion.
A hero in US will and never be a Hero in India . Infact the same qualities which makes one a hero in one set of society is his weakness in the other.
The other counterintutive point about heroism in a society is the vast chasm between what the society thinks is heroic and what it says is heroic. This chasm isnt a deliberate one..this chasm almost defines a stagnant society from a vibrant one. A society makes its own heroes and heroes in turn make the society ..a fake society raises a fake hero who in turn raises a fake society...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Delhiwalas

Barbaade gulistan karne ko ek hi ullu kaafi hai..
Har Shaakh pe ullu baithe hain..anjame gulistan kya hoga..
(one owl is the harbringer of destruction of the garden...with one owl sitting on everybranch of the wonders what will be the state of the garden)
There are a very few guys from Delhi I knew before I joined Navy and I got to know a few after I joined the Navy. To tell the truth I found them extremely vulgar and loud. Infact I wondered why are they so? I mean was it just a coincindence or maybe Delhi has got something to do with it? I almost got an answer when I visited Delhi for the fourth time this winter. It WAS doubt , which accounted for the vulgar nature of its citizens. While I was almost pained to see that the Capital of our country was nothing more than a hilly billy village on steroids ...I started collating the common nature of this crappy city which it passed on to its citizens.
1. Never accept responsibility/defeat/blame- The ground rule of a traffic etiquette in Delhi is this "if u hit a car ...before you get out to survey the damage ..start blaming the other guy" . This centrel philosophy translates into the fact that "watever I did ..its not my fault". Perhaps this is a direct cultural passover from the large political mass that inhabit this space . One can never make a delhi citizen accept that he is wrong. A Delhite is NEVER wrong. So when two Delhites are at loggerheads this presents a problem..becos u see none of them is wrong ,and yet a mistake has been commited. So how does the Delhites go about delegating responsiblity..Simple. The man with least "jugad" loses. The outcome of this topsy turvy logis is that no Delhite ever tries to correct himself..he tries to get more "jugaad".
2. Meddle in everything - A delhite is the self appointed empty vessel of India. He knows about everything and anything he doesnt know about is noyt worth knowing. For example a truck owner is the self appointed messiah of not only his truck but also the unofficial advisor to Transport Minister and arranger of the "best" wedding in delhi. A delhite it even a lowly labourer will take unnecessary interest in your love life and tell you baba ramdsevs latest tantric sex poses..its immaterial to him that you have been giving him dirty looks for the last half an hour. A delhite's way of showing love is trying to poke his nose into your personal affairs ..and then get hurt when you refuse him his this "basic " right.
3. Louder is better- A Delhite believes in "management by decibels". His way of going through life is to shout his enemies into submission. If he is right he shouts and if he is wrong he shouts louder. This works with non-delhites as they just oblige to keep him quiet..but heaven forbid when the opponent is another delhite . The shouting match spinsd out of control till one of them is killed by ilegal firearm.
4. Rules are made to be broken- A delhite sincerely believes that rules are minor inconvineinces that are a hurdle to daily living. So one will find Delhites breaking traffic rules(even when there is no need), dirtying airports , railway stations and roads. Somehow the guards are always missing from their place of duty , somehow no one seems to know any procedure and somehow there is tremendous lack of self discipline. The corollary to this ruke(that rules are made to be broken) is that the bigger jugaad you have the bigger rule you can break.
5. Superb Self delusion - Despite contrary feed back from the entire nation a delhite is sure that the rest of hindustan is just jealous of him because he has the widest roads, best eateries and T3 terminal. He seriously believes that its impossible for someone not to respect his "jugaad" and his connections. No wonder that outside delhi he is a terribly hated and lost character.
Apart from all this the typical delhite is a conglomeration of the worst of the Punjabi,Jat and U.P cultures. He doesnt have any cultural etiquettes or roots. His entire life is spent making life miserable for other Delhites who in turn do the same to him. His car is a mess of dents which other delhites have given him(despite the "best roads"), his day is spent quarelling with his fellow Dehlites for every simple thing and his spare time is spent admiring his family pack pot belly and planning of spending(and dirtying) hill stations of India.
The best part is that when a Delhite comes out to the "rest of India" he is beaten ,bruised and slapped into getting out of his "delhi culture" ...A painful process which no doubt troubles him but is somehow quite therauputic to the rest of India . And then he starts missing Delhi ki Ga(a)liyaan ;)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Mountain cycling
When Life gives you a lemon - Make a lemonade.....!!
Mountain Cycling is something I had heard of and in the finest traditions of my life..I decided that it was that time of year when one certainly makes an effort at insanity..! So I embarked on a 10 day /500 kms / 8 hrs a day ..trip on a cycle that costs as much as a scooterate...
What I describe below is somewat an official summary of things that followed...only for the fact that I do not forget it ...
Please bear with the official language ...
Day 1 (5 Jan 11) This day consisted of arrival of all participants. The base camp was at Kaudiyala. Mr Amit Bhatia from Great Northern Himalayas greeted the participants and welcomed them to the expedition. The team was briefed as to the camp rules and etiquettes. Post a simple but nutritious lunch the team enjoyed the serene Ganga beach scenery and had a game of volleyball to refresh themselves. A campfire was held in the evening where a round of informal chit chat bonded the team as a unit before the start of the expedition.
Day 2 (6 Jan 11) This was the first day of m/cycling expedition and consisted of introduction to the specialist CANNONDALE/HERCULES mountain Bikes. The team was introduced to these bikes by Mr Ramesh Rawat. He brought out the specifics of a mountain bike into the fore and pointed out the various subtle differences and qualities of gears and other features with “road bikes”. He emphasized on use of special helmets and apparels while riding terrains so as to minimise risks to self and others . The team used the bikes provided to get a hands on feeling. The team also cycled a 8 km stretch near Kaudiyala base camp to familiarize themselves with the bikes. A few minor hitches and problems were solved en route. Evening consisted of volleyball and campfire.
Day3 (7th Jan 11) This day consisted of a cycling trek from Laxman Jhulla to Chilla. The team followed Mr Ramesh towards Chilla (approx 40kms) and back. A detour was taken towards Rajaji National Park to acquaint the team with rough mountain tracks. This detour ended with the temple of Vindhyavasiini. Lunch was served at the base of the temple at 1600 hrs. Post lunch the team loaded the cycles onto the truck and returned to base camp.
Day 4 (8th Jan 11) The start of the main expedition took place on this day. Hands were called at 0630 hrs and post a quick breakfast and kit up the team left by vehichle towards Laxmanjhula. The team members carried packed lunch and two bottles of juice /clean water. A final checks for helmets and clothings were carried out. As we went to the base of the start the team was presented with new AVALANCHE cycles which were brand new. It was exciting for the team but then a few minor hitches were there as they were brand new and had to be fine-tuned.
The first day had a 40 Km tough climb and some few teething problems were expected. Enroute the team reached a village called Bijni where a break was taken as few members were quite exhausted. Nitesh Sharma had developed dehydration symptoms hence the Oic took a decision that he should rest and travel in the support vehicle. The climb was daunting post Bijni however the morale of the team did not let down and continued cycling towards the base camp at DEVIKHAL. However by 1630 hrs light was fading and it was not considered safe to ride post loss of light. A decision was taken to stop at 1630 hrs and pick up by the support vehicle was arranged for others who had yet not reached the base camp. By 1700 hrs the camp was put up at Devikhal and the team had a well deserved rest.
Day 5 (9th Jan 11) The second day we started towards Vyasghat. At Shilogi the group was interviewed by the local news paper Dainik Jagran they also took group photos.
1115hrs- Ehrausain-dist-29km-we stopped for lunch and interacted with friendly locals.
1400hrs- Gumkhal-dist-40km-this is the place where down slope of 20 km started.
1500hrs- Satpauli-dist-60km-we reached this town quickly as there was totally down hill.
1610hrs- Bilkhet-dist-70km-the ride to this small vilage was comfortable as the terrain was flat and the surrounding was beautiful.
1700hrs Vyasghat-dist-84kms-the entire team reached the campsite near the bank of river Ganga and thus successfully completed the 2nd day of the expedition.
Day 6th, (10 Jan 11) Having spent 5 days in the course our bodies were already used to the cold, sudden jerks and the speeding downhill thrills. Today was the 6th day and we were yearning for more. The routine was as follows.
0700hrs- hands call
0800hrs- hands to breakfast
0900hrs- the team departs from Vyasghat camp. The route began with gradual up and provided a perfect warm-up for the day. Then we faced a real rocky terrain with various landslides enroute and many waterfalls. The team stopped at various scenic places for photography and to take refreshments.
1215hrs- we took a stop at umraos,a small village for tea and lunch. At another 03km of flat terrain we reached Saud, from where we took mettaled road at another 04kms we reached Devpryag.
1300hrs- the team reached till Devprayag where we could see the meeting of rivers Alknanda and Bhagirathi.
1315hrs- the team departed for Kandi. we had a long stretch of uphill cycling with elevation up to 25 degrees and climbed as much as 1000mts for today.
1630 hrs- the team reached Hindolakhal; where today’s expedition stopped due to dim light and dangerous terrain.
1800hrs- after boarding the transport we arrived at Anjanisain, our destination at 1400mtrs, the highest we have encountered till now.
Day 7, (11th Jan 11) The routine of the day was as follows:
0700 hours - Hands Call
0800 hours - Breakfast
0900 hours - We started from Ajanisain and we crossed the market area around 0930 hours.
1000 hours- we crossed Lamidhar in Tehri Garhwal
1030 hours- we took a little bit of rest and had some snacks and tea. Then we reached Jakridhar.
1115 hours- we reached Chauriyadhar School and took pictures of beautiful school kids.
1235 hours- Tipri Dam was beautiful and we took lots of group photos.
1445 hours - we reached Bhagirathipuram where we had our lunch.
1515 hours - we crossed Koti which is a small town of Tehri Garhwal.
1645 hours - Due to low light expedition was stopped and participants were picked up in the bus. We stayed the night at Hotel Siddharth Residency.
Day 8 (12th Jan 11) The routine of the day was as follows:
0700 hours - Hands Call
0800 hours - Breakfast
0900 hours - Aniket Kumar, Sea I had to quit due to some unfortunate family problem. However the team started on time
1000 hours - We started our journey from the hotel at Chamba. The roads were mostly tarmac but not exactly flat but a gradual ascent.
1130 hours - We reached Chaurikhal where we filled our empty water bottles to keep ourselves hydrated.
1300 hours - We reached Tangadhar where we saw thin layers of snow. Few riders took lunch in that beautiful place.
1430 hours - This was the time when our team riders were escorted by thick snow clad roads and mountains. Dhanaulti which is very famous for its panoramic views and snow covered mountains. Riding on the snow covered roads were exciting. Few riders met with mild accidents but they were safe and not at all hurt. Slippery snowy roads made us more cautious. But off course keeping the bike on the side of the road and throwing snow balls towards each other was really priceless.
1500 hours - we crossed the famous Eco- Park of Dhanaulti.
1530 hours - We saw the bifurcation of Mussorie and Thatyur and as per our expedition route we took Thatyur route
1615 hours - The curvy downhill of Thatyur started. It was very easy to reach 45 kmph without even pedaling. The sharp hairpin bends made us feel the Adrenalin Rush. While downhilling the temperature and the wind was making us shiver. But somehow everybody reached the hotel safely and stayed overnight.
. Day 9 (13th Jan 11) The routine of the day was as follows:
0700 hours - Hands Call
0800 hours - Breakfast
0900 hours - Day starts with steep climb. All of us are not so happy because of the climb that we have to cover from the starting of the journey. But with new energy and josh we started our day. As, time passed our speed increased.
1330hours - We reached at Garkhet where we take a short tea break and now the roads were mostly flat and down. Our bikes picked up the speed gradually. But the down hill roads were in a bad condition. They were rocky and in many places rocks fall down on the roads but still we moved safely.
1430 hours - We reached at Yamuna Bridge
1530 hours - Camping at the camp site. The site very close to the hill and Yamuna river. Small children were playing cricket at the camp site which was great.
Day 10 (14th Jan 11) The next day due to bad weather, landslides and roads the plan was amended by the organizers and cycling was cancelled . We moved towards Chakrata on the support vehicle. We reached Chakrata in the afternoon and stayed at a hotel. At night the team got together and shared experiences about the trip.
Day 11 (15th Jan 11) Although the team was supposed to cycle from Chakratha towards Dakpathar, due to heavy snowing the plan was cancelled and the team moved by vehicle towards Dehradun where the expedition ended safely.
With our respective bums having strangely converted into kevlar ..;)
Yesterday, I had met a long lost school mate . Thanks of course to Facebook.He was in mumbai , and was presently working with a reputed ...
I am forever in awe of people who believe in romance..i mean the man-woman kind. Thats because i find it hard to see the genuineness behind ...