I can count myself as one of the "begaana abdullah deewana " who is fanatic about films. But I have often asked myself as to what is that attracts me to a film. Why do i pay that much to watch a two dimensional screen for three hours and then cry for joy that i have been through one of the happiest moments of my life..?
What makes me look at those images and see a life beyond them ..? Why do i find magic on those images that fleet across the screen? Why does it make me see a world that lies beyond my reality? Why do I see a mind and method to this madness?
Why do I feel happy staring mindlessly into the screen..happily giving myself with abandon to the director and trusting him to not betray me ..? Why do I feel happy when he/she does me justice..why do i feel sad when i feel that he has not done justice...
Why do i bore my freinds with how profound the film was? Why do I blab on and on as to how heady was the ride?
Am I an escapist like millions of Indians? Or do I still posess an ability to be happy without any condition? Or do i see no dichotomy in being rational and irrational? Or do I see no reason as to why there shud be a reason to hapiness? Or maybe I have stopped justifying the fact that I can be happy for no freakin cause?
Or maybe I just love watchin a good movie...Maybe?
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