Here is an open letter to the terrorist uncle who has been using bicycle for more than err..bicycling.
Dear Sirs,
Congrats on your last successfull attempt at Jaipur. Your boys added one more city to the glory table. Infact with a lil help from our own RDX guys ur boys have been doin a wonderfull job. But u see its a futile attempt. Why?
1.We generally dont find u agreeble but u see We Indians dont fear u. Thats because we fear our politicians more. Infact we shudder to think what Arjun Singh would have exploded had he given another press conference . By that comparision your planning was a crows fart.
2. Secondly u see we have grown so used to tragedies that befall us by our own builders and civil engineers that your bicycle seems a wee bit primitive. Either u admit that u are just novices trying to fire crackers or learn a lesson from the numerable bridge collapses and borewell tragedies ...Wats the harm from learning from the professionals.
3. Thirdly, there is a fatal flaw in ur policy level implementation. U see we got the worlds second largest(?) population where a lakh candidates struggle for 5000 seats , where there is one doctor for 11, 565 ppl. You really think that by injuring and killing a few of our fellowmen u can get the economy down? Hmm..let me illustrate.. throw a pebble into the ocean. Did u see the tsunami u just created? oops..hence proved.
4. Catching news. Here u have met your waterloo. Our country is a real mammoth. Sheer statistics say that we generate enough headlines on our own to give more than a day to your childish acts. We got "Arushi Murder" and "300 pieces of body" vying for your place. We seriously got better things to look in the papers. So that motive is very much a failure.
5. Communal tension. Again, statistics plays spoilsport. The kind of population we have , its difficult to walk a meter(milimeter in case of mumbai local trains) without hitting a guy with a diametrically opposite religion, language and food habits...Now when u burst your crackers what are the chances that u will get a huge number of same religious people? Almost Nill. You will kill a cross section. And believe u me that cross section never forgets.
6. Last but not the least, u are one of the reasons that we as a country forget(be it even for a day) that we are scores of states and become one India. So u see, you need to improve your boys knowledge in
a. Maths(esp statistics)
b. Religion( find one religion that scientifically subscribes to killin innocents)
c. Geography and geopolitics
fourth and most importantly. .
"Hum logon ko samajh sako to samjho dilbar jaani..."... .
We have survived for 2000 years..and we will survive u.
-An Indian
1 comment:
I fell guilty about posting this comment. Because I came to know about the news that there was a bicycle bomb in Jaipur from this blog only. However, the "Arushi-Murder-and-300-pieces-of-body" News? Ya I sure read this one!!! Hope the bicycle terrorists uncles read this comment also...!!
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