For all those who do not know Mumba Devi, She is the presiding deity of Mumbai(or shivsena would have us so believe)...and lives behind the Mangaldas Cloth Market at Crawford Market. Now there is a temple dedicated to her , a small one , but in the busiest if not the poshest areas of mumbai. This temple is what I had the misfortune to visit today.
Misfortune ..Well Every visit to the temple reminds me of the narrowness of human thought process of confining a GOD to their standards and of course the filth spewn around that goes around with the name of "Holy Shit:...anyway I am digressing.
The Main topic here is the gateway to the temple at which I stood for half an hour while mom took a leisurely walk inside the premesis.
Now the best part of the gate was that there were infact two gates. One for the entrance and one for the exit. By some holy logic the EXIT gate was the bigger of the two ,and entrance was a peephole by comparison. So every other family ended up at the EXIT gate thinking of it as the entrance. Instead of easily putting up a board labeled "EXIT" again some holy logic dictated that a guard sits at the gate shooing away people who try to enter through the Exit Gate...
This poor chap and I became impromptu freinds with a sympathetic nod which I bequethed him as I stood by watchin the tamasha unfold at the gate...as he tried to stop guys from entering .
The spectacle of people tryin to come in thru the wrong gate even after knowing it was wrong made me lose hope every passing minute for this country.
Few guys pretended not to hear the guard..a typical indian reaction. OOPS ..soory I didnt hear the horn so I banged into ur car ...Very typical , very convenient.
Few families pushed their women folk to enter non-nonchalantly (assuming that the guard wudnt stop women) ..a classic example of reverse feminism by which we let our sisters and cousins do the movie ticket booking for us...
Few showed faint signs of anger , "Cmon, there is a gate and who the hell are u to dictate weather we can enter it?". Well something like demanding a SC/ST quota..
Few(not surprisingly women tried to bribe the guy with a wily and half seductive smile..) . Casting Couch anyone?
And few didn t even hesitate to send children first to get a foot hold...
And a few got in because they belonged to the trust..and not surprisingly a few behind them got in tellin the guard that if he could not prevent the trust guys..why shud he be righteous with them..he let them in...
All this drama when the entrance was 3 metres walk a way.
Is is any wonder we got pot holed roads , clogged drains, and a corrupt democracy ..creamed by reservations and regional chauvinisms?
Why blame some one else when we got the most intelligent people trying out "tricks of trade" and foolin the country...?
I am not taken aback by the fact that this country has not made progress..I am astounded by the fact that It has not slipped back into slavery. Maybe its just three metres away from it...
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loved the article.
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